Nihilanth was building a slave army and part of that was juicing the hell out of the Vortigaunts to create grunts.Something that applies to the original game but also counts to a lesser extent here: why do the marines have so much better AI in general than the aliens? I get that some aliens are basically just animals (e.g headcrabs, bullsquids) and that the Vortigaunts are Slave Mooks and not much for combat, but I would think the alien grunts would at least be as smart as the marines, tactics wise (they are explicitly made for fighting, after all.).my favorite video game sound effect ever. Weird question but why did they change the sound of the Xen healing pools? No exaggeration, the sound in the original game is.Non-mad scientists would be more willing to gamble with inanimate objects than their co-workers when using prototype interstellar (inter-dimensional?) teleportation technology. The previous landing teams had started out where Gordon ends up as well, from which I infer that they stuck with the (relatively) safe anchoring point when teleporting a person. Perhaps they managed to calibrate the aid packages to appear near Gordon's HEV suit's tracking signature somehow.

If the Lambda team can teleport supply canisters to any location in Xen, including Nihilanth's chamber, why don't they just send Gordon straight to Nihilanth, instead of having him trek miles upon miles through alien landscapes, wilds and giant factories?.How come the Gargantua can No-Sell even the Gluon Gun which emits friggin' sub-nuclear particles but gets utterly destroyed by plain old electricity?.It's probably the hardest pre-Xen puzzle in the game. They probably just figured it was something not even Freeman can get through, as even moving a box slightly makes the whole place explode.